1: buyer definition
2: how the buyer works
3: buyer vs seller
4: example of buyer

Opening information:

Buyer word occupied two words buy and person, buy means works of acquiring something, and person means human of one man or woman or gay. Buyer means one person acquiring something from someone.

So let’s look at what is a buyer, how the buyer works in the stock market for all the Corporations, and what is the difference between the buyer and seller, finally one clear example about the buyer.

1: buyer definition

Mr. Malik is a gold miner who takes the gold from the deep of the land, then Malik provides the whole mined gold to his friend who burns the hold and makes different designs for his business.

However Malik’s friend’s name is Jaikup, and Jaikup didn’t sell the gold in the market straightly, so Jaikup sold the gold to her friend Amanda, where Jaikup friend Amanda is the one who distributed the gold to his shopper which means he sold the gold to the customers.

Then a customer who purchased the gold would have a chance to sell the gold back to their shop or any other bank for any kind of gold loan.

Whenever any of the gold loans were not paid, the bank had to leave the gold in the auction market to take their loan amount with interest for them.
Then the people who purchased a loan from the auction market would have gold in their treasury.

Here when Malik takes the gold from the land, Malik becomes a buyer by acquiring gold from the nature of the land. When sells to his friend Jaikup, Jaikup becomes a buyer by purchasing gold from Malik, the Jaikup who sells his gold to Amanda, the Amanda becomes a buyer by obtaining gold.

While Amanda hands over the gold to shoppers, the shopper becomes the buyer by taking gold from Amanda, next w, when shoppers give the gold to their customers, the customer becomes a buyer by picking up the gold from their shopper.

Here every person who is involved in acquire activities would be a buyer, so let’s dive into how the buyer works in the stock market for all the Corporate Industries.

2: how the buyer works

Buyers are the person who acquired the item as them, but buyer means it doesn’t represent any particular person or any distinct object.

Because there is no buyer in the stock market to represent any single person, the buyer means the human who does the acquiring activities would become a buyer.

Clearly, in a manner, buying is an activity of acquiring a certain item, so whenever this acquiring activity is done by someone, they become a buyer.

When the activities were done, and not continued, the certain person became as not buyer. Therefore anyone who is involved in the obtain activities becomes a current buyer.

The People who finished that activity would become past buyers, and then the person who does this activity of obtaining or acquiring in the future is called a future buyer.

The public Corporations that dominate the world and the worst corporations businesses that lose their reputation in the market would obtain new assets for their business within every certain period. Here When the Corporations do this acquiring the business assets they become buyer.

Next, whenever any company obtains its own issued stocks in the stock market, it represents itself as a buyer. Then Corporation which acquired by other big public Industries and that acquisition business becomes a buyer.

The stock Investor who purchases the shares of the business in the public market is called a buyer, at the same time when the purchased Investors exchange other acquiring Investors, then that acquiring Investor becomes a buyer.

Here the buyer doesn’t represent one person in the stock market, instead, it’s an idea of activity. So whenever any of the things or business or person uses the acquiring they become a buyer.

Most people are confused about the buyer and seller activities, so let’s jump into the key difference between them.

3: buyer vs seller

The difference between the buyer and seller are, buyer is the person who is qualified for the activities of acquiring or obtaining some item.

The seller is also the same person if the same certain person changes his activities as gives to someone.
So the key difference between the buyer and seller is the activities of acquire and give, to make you more clear about the buyer let’s look into one clear example anyway.

4: example of buyer

Say you are a stock Investor, and looking for a business using your strong research for rights business.

You’re now just an Investor, not a buyer or seller, when you acquire the stock you become a buyer and when you give the acquired stock, you become a seller.

Market rule: #100132

A buyer is an investor who is one of the market participants, where they are unavoidable because without them it wouldn’t be possible to perform the market. So buyers are coming in the market rule.

If your investor and not comply or align investing with based on market rules please learn about how to regulate your investments under your control with the use of Rule investing.