when comes to asking what is racketeering? racketeering is all types of blackmail crimes, including kidnap, murder, gambling, drug dealing, business cheating, etc… in particularly United States of America the people who are involved in these types of offensive things.

they want to pay 25,000 dollars in fines and get 20 years in prison. 35 types of crime are called racketeering. which is twenty-seven crimes called federal crimes. and the other 8 crimes are called state crimes.

what is racketeering; a clear definition

when someone is involved in; illegal activities, like all other crimes, then it is called racketeering. let’s say some of the illegal hackers, hacked some of the business people’s laptops, so they can’t able to access the lap anymore.


the illegal hacker asked the money to unlock and protect their business laptop. so the hacker is dishonest, asking for money for their needs.  then it is called racketeering.


when someone illegally creates the need; for people to fill their own needs which is called racketeering .nowadays this type of cheating is used by more people; to fulfill their selfish things.


however, rackets are handled by the Bureau of Security and Investigation Services. so let’s take a deep look; more about what is racketeering . in the upcoming heading. which will help you to get; more information about it.


example for racketeering

let’s say the characters of this example are John and Amanda, the kidnapper’s name is Steve. Steve needed a half million dollars; to run his life better steadily. however Steve is a great kidnapper . he kidnapped a lot of people, in the past decade. and blackmail most of them; to fulfill his own needs. everything for money.


now Steve kidnaps Amanda, and John is a great negotiator at the Bureau of Security and Investigation Services. john helped many of the people, from different crimes, and also John had a great experience in this field. so now let’s see, how John can handle his wife’s issues in this matter.


Steve kidnapped Amanda and called John to ask for half a million dollars. john faced the fear of emotion, in his body. Steve asked him for the money with24 hours, otherwise, his wife was killed within one day.

what is racketeering

moreover, John gently handled this matter and told Steve he could give half a million dollars. but which takes up to 2 months; to deliver this amount to you. Steve suddenly got angry and told John. I can’t wait for nearly two months.  where I want this money; in the next twenty-twenty-four. otherwise no excuse, I killed your wife Amanda.


again John, handling this gently. which is he did not say. “no” to John. but he tries to make him feel emotional, to understand his situation. John again told to Steve, that that if he wanted to deliver the price of half a million dollars, then he wanted to sell the house and his land. for this reason, John doesn’t have that kind of money. john wants to find brokers, to sell these two things. which he had only 1500 dollars in hand.


he told everything; to the kidnapper Steve. Steve can’t wait for two months, to get his money. finally,, John offers him $1500;  for his wife. Steve accepted he didn’t have half a million, and released Amanda for 1500 dollars.

what is racketeering


have you seen how John handled this matter? john understands his need and tries to make the kidnapper understand the fake situation of John. but finally, John paid thousand five hundred dollars to Steve. .which is dishonest.


because John is a great negotiator, he knows; how to tackle everybody. but when comes to you (or) me. we try to pay the full amount; to the kidnapper. in this particular situation. we get more fear of emotion, from this blackmail activity.


so as a result, this type of blackmail crime is called racketeering. I think now you understand: clearly. what is racketeering? if you have any more doubts about it, contact us.