1: marketing definition
2: how marketing works
3: marketing vs advertising
4: example of marketing

Opening information:

Marketing means a promotion of something, that something would be anything from a product to any kind of service in any context but it is a promotion, not a product.

Marketing is the one which is a key component for every Industry to sell their product, so now let’s have a look at what is marketing, how marketing works in the stock market for all Corporations and stock Investors, and what is the difference between marketing and advertising, finally one clear example about the marketing.

1: marketing definition

Whenever any business creates any kind of product or service, it is not a big matter even such a product has the power to change the whole world without any single amount of promotion.

Promotion is a very important thing for any business because promotion is the one that creates awareness about any product.

If there is no awareness created for certain products or services, then it’s impossible to know about the products that are created for the people and how it’s going to be used for them.

Moreover, they don’t even know how to use such a product or service promotion is the one which is called advertising of one item or material.

Anything that lacks the understanding of knowing in the customer’s mind, then that specific product would become useless.

Here the promotion of one product or service is called marketing, so now let’s dive into how marketing works in the public market.

2: how marketing works

Marketing is the promotion of one product or service, most people think that marketing is only involved in the business, but it’s not.

Marketing is heavily in the stock market, whenever any of the private business gets into a public primary market, the Investment Industries promote the private Industry’s shares publicly to the initial Investor and make them purchase and invest.

They promote such newly issued shares to sell as long as any of the initial investors purchase. This means tens and hundreds of promotions of that new public company released shares are called marketing.

whenever any of the business earn a stable and maintains a consistent growth rate, such business would attract many kinds of stock Investors, such businesses not only promote their business product alone

but also promote their business growth each time through the business reports that attract and promote more new stock Investor to purchase such Industry shares, clearly that shares create demand among Investors and increase the share price of the particular company.

Therefore each Public Corporation not only submits the report to the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), but they also promote their business growth activities to gain and make sales in the stock market, this promotion is considered as marketing.

If one business submits a bad report to the SEC, they are not only reporting to their shareholders instead they are promoting that their business growth was terrible each time.

This leads the stock Investor’s mind not to purchase such an Industry and leads to find other businesses that promote attractive reports for their Investments, obviously, this bad promotion also came in marketing.

So thing that are involved in the promotion process is demonstrated as marketing, then most of the people of stock Investors and Corporations confuse marketing and advertising, therefore let’s jump into the key difference in it anyway.

3: marketing vs advertising

The difference between marketing and advertising is, that advertising is the one which must be sponsored by a person or firm to communicate to their consumers.

But when comes to marketing it doesn’t include any kind of special type of promotion instead marketing occupies all the collection of promotion activities but advertising won’t.

Therefore the advertisement becomes part of the marketing, anyone or organization in advertising or referring activities of the product or service is also considered as marketing.

So to make more clear marketing, let’s see one clear example below.

4: example of marketing

Say the company Q has a tech product which take them normally one year to release and update things each year for their Industry, the success of such a product would be determined by how well certain customers purchased that newly released product.

If the consumer of the business doesn’t buy the product on the standard level, then the sales go down, and company Q receives as failure of that product.

This business promoted its product in two ways, one is through sponsored posts in other businesses, and the other way through its email.

Here the sponsor post alone represents the advertising but the sponsor post and own business email listing promotion are all trapped in the marketing.