1: call definition
2: how call works
3: call vs put
4: example of call

Opening information:

Call means activities of bringing or requesting someone to talk to you, but the call word does not represent the general meaning of call.

Now let’s have a look at what is a call, how a call works in the public market, and what the difference a call and a put, Finally one example of the call.

1: Call definition

When comes to the public market, the call is not calling or saying or specifying someone’s name to talk about some matter, instead, it represents one of the ideas to agree on one of the agreement contracts by paying some amount of premium for one item.

The item would be any kind of security of the stock market and the premium would be any amount which is paid to that security as a bet amount.

Where this call choice is not used for purchasing any shares instead they are used to bet that certain security would be raised in the predetermined time or not. So now let’s dive into know how the call works inside the public market.

2: how call works

To understand the call word, we need to understand four things: contract agreement, premium, option writer, and security.

Security means it could represent any kind of stock and debt instruments, using any kind of securities to run the speculation.

Clearly, instead of speculating on the real security, the people who own the security would speculate the rights or authority of the owned security to the other people.

To provide the rights or authority of the stock they own, they created a contract agreement, and the people who agreed to their contract would need to act on behalf of the contract stated.

The contract agreement is not one deal, despite the contract agreement would vary based on the contract provider.

The contract provider is the contract writer, they write different types of contracts, so we normally call them option writers or choice writers. But look don’t be confused, this option writer is the one who provides rights or authority for their owned security.

Among the different contract agreements, there is one contract agreement that states that for any trader of speculators who bet on the Current security price, The Current security price would become as strike price or vetted price of such speculator.

After the agreed deal if the future price of the stock is high above the strike price or better price, the option writer would need to pay the amount of price which is above the strike price.

Or if the future price is lesser than the strike price of the speculators, then the whole bet amount would be for an option provider, which means who agreed to provide authority of the remaining amount which is above the strike price.

Here this contract agreement is purely what call words is representing in the option market,
Moreover, future prices demonstrate a future time, which means while agreeing with the call contract, the speculators had a choice to choose different kinds of periods.

That chosen period becomes the future period and future time of a stock price, and the betting amount is a premium amount that is charged by the option provider.

The pre-determined time is the one which is decision by the speculators based on their own dictated time frame.

Whenever this time frame is finished, it’s called an expired time for this call bet, after the expired time the bet is determined as a win or loss bet for a such call choice.

The determined bet is a strike price, and the call bet is a call option, this call option is the one which are choice to agree on the one option Contract.

The stock is the one which is considered as Ownership of the one business, using that Ownership the stock owner writes a contract of agreement to Trader or speculators.

speculator’s is the one which had two options, among the two options one is called as call and another one is called as put.

This call is the choice to determine that certain speculators looking at that stock would increase more than a determined bet amount in future time.

While at the expired, the price of the stock would be above the strike price bringing profits to the call buyer, and below the strike price bringing loss to the call chooser.

3: call vs put

The difference between the call and put are, Call is a choice of agreeing on the contract deal with the option writer, which represents you and your option writer trade between two of them, it never impacts the public market,

Put is also a choice of agreeing the contract dealers with an option writer, but put deal with opposite contract what call does.

To make you more clear about the call options let’s look into one clear example anyway.

4: example of call

Say you had bet that stock A would be raised above 15 dollars in the future, and your friend had bet that stock A would go below 15 dollars.

Here your prediction of function is called as a call, and your prediction of function is considered as put.