you can buy stocks very cheaply. while the stock market crashes people are full of fear, the economy is full of fear, mutual fund managers full of fear, speculators are full of fear, brokers are full of fear, and investors are full of greed.


the stock market crash happened one to two decades ago. It happens very rarely you can’t get this opportunity every time if you investor. When stocks start going down no people can notice it is the beginning of the stock market crash.

so let’s take a full deep look at how you take that advantage while the stock market crashes. I’m not promising you anything other than an investor.



buy business stocks, other peoples

most people lose their entire investments during the stock market crash, they can’t protect themselves and their investments while the stock crashes. however they get full of fear during big drops in the market, some people buy the stock after a big drop in the market but the market again goes down so they’re out of control to face loss.

best investor

buying undervalued stock is the big reason why small investors become millionaires and billionaires in the long run in the stock market. when the stock market starts to crash best investors patiently wait to drop more than 50% of its value in their particular business stocks.

however, investors are full of greedy at the time and suppose after buying the stock under 50% of its value, if stocks again go down 20%, investors again buy more shares at a very low price with more greed because they are selling at a very high price in the future. they are full of control. 


what if stocks go bankrupt to zero

other peoples

moreover, people emotionally sell stocks with fear during the stock market crash because they don’t know when that stock go up, if the stock goes down after they buy it, they suddenly get fear in their bodies.

oh my god am losing the money.
instead of losing my entire money, better am going to sell now to protect my remaining money.
now I don’t want to buy any more stock who knows if the stock go bankrupt?


so most people decide to avoid buying stock during the stock market crash but they love to buy when the stock skyrockets to a high price.

best investor

all the best investors know what they are doing in during the stock crash. they never sell the stock emotionally, if they sell emotionally they lose their investment. investors buy stocks they buy rarely and they sell rarely because they don’t have the opportunity many times to buy the stock at the correct value. 

investor’s voice 

I want the stocks to go down.
if stocks go down I can buy more shares with little money.
I know this stock won’t go bankrupt, I analyze and understand the company.


Investors hate all the time buying stocks except during a crash. for this reason, they love to buy more shares when the stock market crashes.


a big advantage when while the stock market crashes

buying the stock at undervalue can protect you from great loss from your investment. so now I give you one example to make you more clear.

I like to buy stock on Amazon but the stocks are now overpriced, I hate to buy at a high and wait to buy at a very low price.


however, I did the fundamental analysis, read the shareholder’s letter, and understood that business. later unpredicted by the stock market, and this was for opportunity for Amazon to buy Amazon stock at a very low price again and again until it went up.

so finally you completely get what advantage you have when stock crashes more. if you have any doubt about it feel free free to contact me.