What is Properties?

What is Properties?

1: properties definition 2: how properties work 3: properties vs equity 4: properties value Opening information: Properties mean the possession, which means something belongs to someone because owned with rights. Something would be materials or any part of the items...
What is Risk Factor?

What is Risk Factor?

1: risk factors definition 2: understanding risk factors 3: risk factors vs nonrisk 4: securities risk factors Opening information: Risk factor breaks into two words risk and factor. Risk means any situation or circumstance which is exposure to any danger or disaster...
What is Irrational?

What is Irrational?

1: irrational definition 2: irrationality Investors 3: irrational vs rational 4: key not be irrational Opening information: Irrational means unreasonable without any logic. Any person using any materials or things without any right reason then it’s called...
What is a Rationality?

What is a Rationality?

1: rationality definition 2: rationality Investors 3: rational analysis 4: the key to being rational Opening information: Rational means being logical on every step from thought to action. Logical means reasonable decision-making using a fact-based analysis. The...
What is Value?

What is Value?

1: value definition 2: how value works 3: value vs price 4: value example. Opening information: Value means the worth of some material or the usefulness of certain items. The worth of the item is based on how the specific item is used or involved in the people’s...