quotes of the stock market


In the short run, a market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.
—-Benjamin graham.



how many of them know? what does it mean long and short run?  most investing people didn’t understand this quote.


short run means a downturn in the stock market. when the stock market goes down, it is a voting machine. when its stocks go up it is a waiting machine.


suddenly most people doubt their minds. how did you say that, it is a voting and wait machine.

well, when stocks go down, it means; not any changes happen in the economy and some people tell a lot and a lot of reasons when stocks go down.


every news is a myth. the stocks go down for only one reason. when a lot of people sell the share of the stocks rather than buy, then stocks go down continuously.


that’s why Benjamin says if it goes down you can buy a lot of shares at a very cheap. you can vote more. as much as you vote on the downturn. as much you earn from the long run.


when you know the value of the particular stock, then buy until it goes down after you buy. stop buying when it starts to go up above the bought value. because, when it goes up. it becomes more wait. nobody wants to buy at a high price.

Benjamin Graham;

Graham is the father of value investing. he is the man who teaches the value of investing to Warren Buffet.

quotes of the stock market


Risk comes from not knowing what your doing. —- warren buffet.



in stock investing. we have more losers than profiteers. for the reason that most investors don’t know what they are doing.


when you know what you’re doing. then you don’t get any emotion or fear during the investment. if you didn’t have any fear of emotion. then which means you have very low risk and high return on your investment.


some of the people have doubt questions here. which is; what I have to understand while investing in stocks.

you have to understand the whole thing. which means; why you are buying this particular share of the stocks. how did you know if these stocks go well in the long run? how did you tell it is the best stock? it never goes down? if it goes down what do you do?


you need to have the right reason for your every question. Otherwise, you’re doing something risky without knowing. that’s why Warren told this quote.

warren buffet.

he is the best investor of all time. that who make millions and billions of dollars from stock markets and become one of the richest people on the planet.

stock market quotes

The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.”  ― Phillip Fisher


every individual, who invests in the stock market. they are; all bought at a certain price. but ninety-nine percent of the people don’t know the value of the stocks.


let’s say you bought Apple stocks for 200. then how did you know it is a price (or) value? price and value are not the same.


the price is what you pay. the value is what you get. when you want to buy the share of the stocks at value. you must know how to do; all the fundamental calculations which are reported in the annual of the company.

that’s why Phillip Fisher said, that all of them know the price of everything, but not the value of anything.

Phillip Fisher

he is one of the successful investors and author of common and uncommon stock books.

so now I think you will understand completely about these three powerful quotes of the stock market. finally, if you need to learn more about insurance, investing, taxes, and business in your low finance.


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