Privacy Policy


Privacy policy

Our user privacy is most priority, protectable and respectable from our side. Each information that we collected from our side are for the marketing purpose and improving the rule investing services towards the future for our readers.

Where we also share with our partners AdSense and Ezoic the same purpose of their marketing purpose, other than this we don’t share our user data and information of our cookies to anyone for any reason.

Other than we won’t use any amount or kind of information to share with that we didn’t partners with third party who offers the service or product to you other than our mentioned partners of “AdSense and zoic” for any service that aren’t provided by the rule investing we don’t take any responsibility from our side.

The information we collect only used for the two purpose one is to promote and improve our Rule investing service for our readers plus for the marketing purpose with AdSense and Ezoic in who collect the information and target to promote the related product or service that your interested through online.

The information we collect from you


We collect all the individual names who are willing to sign up for the Email letters, because rule investing currently had the Email subscriber alone that only promote their services to their end user.


Emails and Gmail are the one which we acquire from our customers who sign up for the Email letters that we used to sell and promote our services to the clients.


We also collect and track were our user are coming from and in which location. And which those user is a new or often visited user of our website, this for the marketing and our services promotional purpose


However our analytics also track the user usage ways through which kind of browsers they are visiting from and what language they mostly preferable. This need is for understanding our user behaviors and providing efficient service towards the future.


To perform our website and tech things very smooth and user friendly for our customers, we track what kind and how many kind of device our user mostly uses for visiting our website.

Social media:

We track and use the report of traffic that derive from the social media to market and promote our services to through the social media platforms from our side.

What data does AdSense and Ezoic would collect and use for marketing?

From the data that we mention that Google AdSense would use the collected data to target the user based on the behavior on the product they interested and the Google accounts history and activities they perform over the past periods.

More clearly which any data that we allow to share with our Google partners are completely for the purpose of marketing and promotion to shows the distinct product or service.

What control do I had over my data?

Any user who been the part of rule investing would had the full control over their date and the usage we possessing and sharing towards the third parties.

Anyone who want to modify or don’t want to allow certain data of personal information for marketing and promotion, please you could able to reach through us through contact form in the contact page.

Were you need to submit your Name, email address and your from which countries. So we could block allowing and using those information about you by the third parties.

California privacy user

California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) any user who are from the California are the privacy applies to the things that we mention any information we collect used legally by the user intention.

If any information that you want to delete from our side or don’t want to allowed for marketing or promotion purpose, you can send your email and name to notify to delete your personal information as your full authority through contact form in our website.

European and United kingdom(UK) privacy notice

Any of the people’s who became the readers and use our services are agree to how we protect and use your information with your permission, don’t like to sell or share the personal information for the purpose of online advertising alone plus the improvement service for rule investing towards the future you could contact through contact form and request for the deletion of your details.

People’s outside the USA privacy policy

Our ordinary mentioned all the personal information in the privacy statement are applied to all the countries outside the USA including India. Not all the business and website provide this control for their all users.

But our rule investing don’t control and force for any data collecting personal information, so any nation resident who want to remove their entire record about their occupied personal information, you could also had the full deletion control by contacting us through contact page with first and last name plus Email address.