What is Non Current asset?

What is Non Current asset?

1: Non-current assets definition 2: How Current assets work 3: noncurrent assets vs non physical asset 4: example of non-Current assets Opening information: Non Current assets sentence breaks into three words non, current, and assets, non means absence of some...
What is Current asset?

What is Current asset?

Info 1: current asset definition Info 2: how current asset works Info 3: current asset vs physical assets Info 4: example of current asset Opening information: The current asset sentence breaks into two words current and assets, current means the present matter of...
What is Income?

What is Income?

Info 1: income definition Info 2: how income works Info 3: income vs net income Info 4: example of income Opening information: Income means anything that came from outside of the authorized receiving account. The received account would be any kind of account, but...
What is Filing Statement?

What is Filing Statement?

Info 1: filing statement definition Info 2: how filing statement works Info 3: filing statement vs non filing statements Info 4: example for filing statement Opening information: A filing statement sentence breaks into two words filing and statement, filing means mark...
What is Non Physical Asset?

What is Non Physical Asset?

1: non-physical asset definition 2: How physical assets work 3: nonphysical assets vs physical assets 4: example of nonphysical assets Opening information: nonphysical asset sentence breaks into three words non, physical, and assets, non means the absence of...