Michel always wants to bet very rarely when compared to Charli .

if you’re betting for a long time and losing in the horse race don’t worry. your in the right place i will guide you through step by step how to bet on horse races consistently without losing any money.

bet on a horse race

when comes to horse races, most people always bet every day.  they don’t know why they are betting every day. well, betting every day on horse races will make you lose all your money and also it creates a strong habit of betting again and again.

betting in the horse race very rarely with reason can make you richer over time. however, it’s time to learn how to bet on horse races. I don’t care, you’re a beginner (or ) expert. if you lose money on a horse race, then you’re not good in the betting system.

Charli and Michel betting

bet on horse race

taken an example, there are two guys betting on a horse race Charli and Michel. however when comes to betting on horse races Charli bets every day but Michel bets very rarely. Charli is good at betting, but not better than Michel .

Charli and Michel give more attention and see every match without quitting.  Charli bets every time on any of the horses with his guessing but Michel doesn’t. Michel always gave more attention to only odds numbers, he didn’t give any awareness in horse matches.

difference between Charli and Michel :

additionally, there is only one difference between Charli and Michel . Charli gambles when comes to betting on horse racing but Michel always thinks about having the opportunity to invest in this race and get a better return.

Michel is always eager to see the high-edge numbers. for example, if ten horses are participating in the match, then Michel is always eager to see the numbers more than ten. well it can be 11 ,12 13 , 14, etc… but not less than ten


get a higher return than participating horse


when comes to the horse betting system, if you get a higher return than a participating horse, then you’ll never lose any money if you divide and put your money in all horse. Michel always does the same thing over and over and over again.

if Michel gets the opportunity to put money in horse races and get returns on more than participating
horses. he never missed it because when Michel had ten dollars and was able to put one dollar in every
horse and get a dollar return. can give him a 10% return on his total investment.

look for great return edge odds numbers


moreover, next time  Michel has the opportunity on the odds numbers  1 to 15, if he invests ten thousand dollars on every horse, then he totally invest a hundred thousand dollars in a horse race.

he doesn’t care which horse going to win, he never gets any emotion during horse races because he is not gambling like others, he is investing. whatever happens in the horse race, whichever horse wins also wins. surely he gets a 50 percent return on his total investment. accurately hundred fifty thousand dollars.

Michel chance is rare in horse race

but what about Charli , yes Charli didn’t earn like Michel in the betting system because he bet every day with his guessing. Charli never wins consistently like a Michel . Charli bet on one horse but Michel bet on every horse.

on the other hand, when Michel bets on a horse race he never takes the profit from his investment, he looks for reinvestment opportunities because Michel didn’t get this opportunity all day. well, this chance comes once a month ( or ) maybe it takes two months.


so Michel always looks to reinvest his all profit in the next opportunity to make an overall maximum amount of money in the next betting horse race. unlike Michel , Charli sometimes wins in luck.

finally, you have two ways to win and bet on a horse, whichever you can as you wish, which is the way you’re going to follow Charli (or) Michel.  let us know in the comment.

if you want to know more and more about horse racing then I recommend my best book to read, this book can teach you the secret method of winning strategy how you can win consistently in horse racing and make the maximum amount of money in the long run.

Smarter Bets – The Exacta Way: A Simple Process to Winning on Horse Racing