1. stock market.
2. real estate.
3. bonds.
4. gun and bullets.
5. gold.

Image result for stock market"

no.1 best way to invest money;stock market

the stock market is the first and foremost place to invest your money in 2020. if you’re a person who wants to make investment in stocks. then I recommend you to know the risk, that is contained in the stock market and also learn to master investing skills.


when you don’t have enough knowledge on investing, then you will lose your entire investment. so be careful, every investment has some risk. stock has more risk when comparing all other investments and also it has a high level of return on your investment.


some people hate to invest in the stock market in 2020 because of the high risks. if you fear about stocks. then I strongly and secondly recommend you to put your money into real estate.

where to invest money

no.2 The best way to invest money; in real estate

is you compare the risk of the stock market with the risk of real estate. the estate has a lower risk. you can make money easily by investing in real estate property.


if you want to become rich through real estate. then you need the required knowledge to increase your investment. otherwise, you will fail to profit from your real estate.

you must have a clear overview and long-term goals to achieve. in estate, you can easily double your investment within three years.


but when you choose the stocks investing, you can easily double your money; in less than 3 years. so consider which one will be the best fit for you in this current year.

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no.3 best way to invest money; bonds

bonds are the third best place where you can make most of the money. the bond is the security between the lender and payer. let us say if any of the public companies have bonds, which are worth 20,000 dollars. they produce the total amount of bond to the buyer.


if you’re the person who likes to buy and invest in bonds. then I recommend you to invest your money as much as possible. because it gives you a minimum of 6 to 8 percent profit per year.


before investing in bonds. you have to know one thing, which is; that there are a lot of types of bonds, you have to know them. without the right knowledge about bonds. you cannot make more money from it. if you are interested in starting here. so learn it and decide what type of bonds is best and benefit you more in the long run.

Image result for guns and bullets"

 no.4 The best way to invest money; is guns and bullets.

when someone doesn’t like to take high and average risk in their investment. then this investment is for you. it has low risk. when you invest in guns and bullets. where it can become more expensive day by day.


it increases your net worth. most of the bullets are so valuable when considered in the army. every country consistently needed guns and bullets. and without these weapons, there is no power for the police and military. so investing in this type of thing. which helps you to get returns from your investments.


moreover, one thing to keep in mind. before investing in guns, analyze everything about guns and bullets. which one has a high growth rate. then you can make most of the money from it.

best ways to invest money

no.5 best way to invest money; gold.

last but not least. final opportunity for people who don’t have any knowledge about investing and fear all the risks you have to take. then gold is the perfect investment.


you don’t need to learn anything when you want to invest in gold. just you have to buy and hold it for a long time. you can easily double your investment in 12 years.


majority of the women have a strong belief in gold. if you’re the person you like to invest in gold. then put your money on gold. which gives a decent return when compared the simple savings in your bank account.


finally, if you need to learn more about insurance, investing, taxes, and business in your low finance.

then I recommend you sign up for our free newsletter. which helps you to get weekly notifications to learn more freely in your free time. and if you have any more doubt best ways to invest money, then don’t hesitate feel free to contact us.