best stocks for beginners

Readers you may think now about best stock that I recommend you to buy it in the stock market. But the truth is not.

If anyone recommend any stock to buy. Don’t buy it even the recommended person is more trusted friend or family member. For the reason, know body know that particular stock is going to more successful or not in the long and short run.

So instead what I recommending you to means guide you through step by step to how to buy best stock in the whole stock market.

Each and Every of us have some different needs. Our needs are not the same. For example let’s say your goal is to become Millionaire within next 5 years. But these not a goal for most of us. Other may have goal to make at least penny each and every month. Some of them think much more or less when comes to goal.

The same applies to best stock who each and every people’s invest in stocks have different needs. All they want to make more money and win. But it doesn’t.

So before we go dig into the best stock let’s take a look on common stock and uncommon stock.

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Common stocks

The common stock are stocks which is the share of the public
business. This are perform very well in the long term instead of the short.

Uncommon stock

This stock are unlike common stock. Because this Stock are not perform in more high level. Which means this stocks don’t have any big long term growth earnings. If you invest in these types of stocks. Then you will end in very low earning.

So now we can now take a look on best stock. The best stock are always the common stock. Which is always more attractive and perform high efficiency for more than decades.

Moreover I mentioned below some of the common stock. So it’s make some sense to get the right idea.

1, Apple.
2, Amazon.
3, Mc donalds.
4, Microsoft.

When comparing others stocks with these four stocks. These four stocks have strong history. Which means if you analysis the 10k report of these industries you can able to see the strong consistent growth over the past decades.

Some of the reader wonder what is the 10k report. Which means it is a annual report of the each and every corporation release for the investor to analyze it.

Once you analyze this particular part before invest in any stock and find your best suitable company. Then you will find: what is the best stock to invest as beginner or experience person.

obviously, if you buy any of the stocks in anybody opinion. Then I’m one hundred percent sure your going to lose your all invested money. Because when someone buy stocks on other people’s perception.
Then he/she is the person who will live his/her life in the others person way instead of his/her own.

Furthermore, if you don’t know how to buy the best stock. Learn yourself how to find and buy that stocks in the whole stock market.

Or else if you hate to learn it. Just fuck your dream of investing in the
best stock in the whole market. Because you’ll not worth of it.

On the other hand, majority of the people’s make some stupid mistake when comes to buying best stocks. So we will take a look some of them below:

1, They listen to their others with reason to buy stocks.

Let’s say your searching on Google or asking to your experienced friend or mentor. They giving right and perfect reason to buy any particular stocks. So what is the biggest disadvantage for you now ?

Your friend, mentor and even family members have a reason to buy that stock but you didn’t have any reason yourself to tell and discover with you own. So that’s become your big disadvantage of one reason to make you lose of your all money.

2, they didn’t hold the stocks of shares in right amount of time.

Ninety percent of the people’s didn’t hold the stocks for certain amount of long time. They become more greedy when stocks start to go up and they sell it on fear when stocks start to drop. This what most people following in their investing journey.

So what I’m guiding you mean the stocks market is a place of transferring money from impatiently to patient. So if you don’t have patient to hold stocks. Then your going to lose money even if you bought  the best stocks in the whole market.

3, They always doubt themselves.

The person who find best stock by learning. As a beginner they always have doubt on themselves. Still they have fear. If you bought the right stocks that you mostly believed you don’t to fear and self doubt about it.

The self doubt kill your confidence slowly and which leads your intentions make feel fear of emotion.

When you have the negatives emotion while on investing which let you make to wrong decision sometimes. This can be selling stocks without right reason. Avoid to hold stock and consider about others stocks with others to know about in irrational way.

4, More greedy to sell the best stock.

Did you know Warren Buffett ? He is the best investor of all time. Warren only buy stocks once he can only hold the stock for at least 10 years.

He didn’t sell the stock when he saw the good earning and growth without right reason. If you want to what is the right reason to sell stock then I recommend you to learn the Warren investing way.

Don’t be greedy when you saw the small growth on your invested stock. Wait patiently to hold for at least decades.

Finally there are lots of complex different mistake beginner make but I mentioned the common problem along. That’s it.

If you have anymore doubt about it feel free comment below. So I can read and reply to you quickly as possible.