investment to make money

1, buy a profitable small business
2, buy a profitable mortgage.
3, buy a profitable YouTube channel.

1, buy a profitable small business.

the opposite of buying a business is starting a business. when you start a business other than for buying. you will face a lot of struggle to grow your business. you will be more depressed when its get failed. so instead of starting a business, buy any of the profitable businesses. then you can make money easily in a short amount of time.

some people think I don’t have much more money to buy a business. this is not something you don’t have money for. you can buy a business for even 1000 dollars. the only thing, that we expect from any business, is profitability (or) not.


if the business is profitable then buy it. you can make money from it. when it comes to buying business don’t think you need a million dollars. it is simple, buy a business based on the money that you have now.


check every business that you going to buy. is it profitable (or) not? how long has the business been running profitable? Does it have any chance of failing in a short time? asking these types of questions before buying any small business, which leads you to buy the right business based on your investment amount.

so my final thought is, if you buy a business it is the best investment to make money in a short amount of time when you compare tons of other investments. next, we take a deep look at profitable mortgages.

2, buy a profitable mortgage.

if you person who doesn’t like to take riskss on business. then I recommend you buy a profitable mortgage.

some of the people are not good at maintaining the business. so when this type of peoples buy the business they always end up failing. and can not overcome their obstacle, they find it very hard to maintain and improve their knowledge consistently.


so when you don’t buy a business. then buy a profitable mortgage. which means; the mortgage must want to have a minimum of 10 percent profit every year from your investment amount.


this 10 percent profit does not include the tax and expense of the mortgage. The 10% must be a net income from your mortgage. keep this 10% in mind. suddenly some of the people think why we have to keep minimum of ten percent profit?


it is simple, when Warren Buffet buys any real estate, private mortgage, etc… he always looks for a minimum ten percent return from his investment.


for this reason, the ten percent is a good return including when comes to buying a business. that’s why I recommend you buy a profitable mortgage, which leads you to make money in a short amount of time.

3, buy a profitable youtube channel.

The YouTube channel is a channel that helps you to make money quickly. but not when you start. if you start a youtube channel, it takes time to make money but when you buy any of the profitable youtube channel. then you can make money easily and quickly.


most of the people think. they need more money to buy any of the profitable YouTube channels. first of all decide and calculate how much money you have, to buy any of the profitable YouTube channels. buy the channel based on your investment amount.


when you buy a YouTube channel you need to upload videos every day. so you also want to consider; buying which niche YouTube channel such as entertainment, music,  vlogs, games, finance, news extra….


when someone buys these types of profitable YouTube channel. they can easily hire some one to do for them. and they can make money from on their first month onward


however this my three ways are very effective to make money in a short amount of time. so pick the one, that most suitable for you.

finally, if you have any doubt about the best investment to make money. then don’t hesitate, feel free to contact us.

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