are medical expenses deductible

most people have questions in mind, which means; are medical expenses deductible? some people the medical insurance and some do not. however, you take a medical deduction on your standard deduction. but if you cross the standard deduction: then, you can include that on your itemized deduction.


furthermore, many of the people misunderstood the itemized deduction and standard deduction. every month you have expenses. which are expenditures and which are not standard deductions.


the standard deductions are determined by the Internal Revenue Service. which depend and based on your income and your filing category like single, married, married separate, and household. if you don’t know what is your standard deduction? then check that on your own country’s internal revenue service website.

are medical expenses deductible; for example

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clearly, to make you more understand. I just give you a sample example. let’s say you have an income of 20,000 dollars per year. and your expenditure will be 4000 dollars. then, let’s say your medical deduction can be 4000 dollars total of eight thousand dollars.


let me tell you that your income has a total standard deduction of 9000 dollars. so if you subtract your medical deduction and personal deduction from your total income. then, you have the remaining thousand dollars on your 9000 dollars standard deduction.

medical issues.

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let’s take additionally, you need a fund for your medical expense, which is 3,500 dollars. but you don’t have 3,500 dollars on your standard deduction. you have only the remaining thousand dollars on your standard deduction.


but when you deduct the amount of three thousand five hundred dollars from your total income. it means more than your standard deduction. then, you want to file as; an itemized deduction, which is the amount on the standard deduction. which means your two thousand five hundred dollars comes in an itemized deduction.


internal revenue service is allowed in all countries. who is a taxpayer? which can make more medical deductions. whatever they wish. but here the; one problem. you don’t have to show proof like bills, or statements for your standard deduction.


but when comes to itemized deduction; you must want to show and submit such proof. which confirms to the Internal Revenue Service you have taken two thousand five hundred dollars in medical expenses as an itemized deduction. so you have to tax on your remaining income.

People doubt medical expense

most persons have this doubt; which means can I take more medical deductions than when I have medical insurance to claim? if your medical expense is more than your medical insurance. you can eligible to claim the deduction for your medicals. even, if you exceed the spending on your standard deduction.

People cannot misuse medical expenses.

Image result for medical issues"

however, Internal Revenue Service has strong rules when comes to medical expenditure. you can only able to deduct the amount for surgery, pain, accident, treatment, dental, and vision, and also you can deduct for when you want to meet psychiatrists, psychologists, false truths, etc…


you cannot take medical deductions for cosmetic procedures. when you want to buy any drug medicine and also for non-prescription drugs (except insulin), vitamins (or) diet foods extra…


so whatever your reason, before taking your medical deduction as an itemized deduction. check your own country’s Internal Revenue Service website to confirm the rules and regulations of the current year; in your nation.


finally, you will know how to calculate your medical expenses in your total income. don’t forget to check the rules on the IRS websites. so if you have any more doubt about are medical expenses deductible. then, don’t hesitate, feel free to contact us. we are here to help you.