written by other people about the cost of living and the cost of living calculator cannot determine your living style

when people search the web to find the cost of living for particular places, most of them very highly believe, that which are calculated by other people written on their website and through a calculator about the cost of living is not one hundred percent right.


however, people only search for finding, which I can live in my loved (or) dreamed places with my current income. if not, then what is the standard of living in that particular place? I want to earn that type of money one day and I want to start my living there.


This is the people funny thought, ninety-nine percent of people do the same thing and accept the cost of living for particular places, when some website wrote that if you want to live in New York then you must want to earn more than 50000$.


so let’s begin to see the three myths and solutions about the cost of living, these 3 myths unlock your mind to find the correct cost of living in any particular place.

cost of living

1. written by others

which are written by other people are big myths about the cost of living, so don’t even accept them by yourself, am not arguing for anything.


let’s use the common sense. for example, if you want to know the standard of living in New York, just put the call to anybody who living in New York. take your review from at least ten people who live there with perfect personal finance.


that’s where you find no one can tell the same living rate for living in New York because everybody doesn’t eat the same food, doesn’t buy the same clothes, everybody doesn’t change and buy new clothes at the same time.
so understand clearly the only person who can determine the cost of your living in any place is you.

 cost of living

2. cost of living calculator

the second big myth about the cost of living is the calculator because when you consider most of them about the calculator, how can a calculator determine your cost of living style, it can’t. so now let’s again use common sense to answer this question.


did you believe if someone told you the brain is the only thing that can determine your total life? the brain is only for servicing you in your life, it can’t able to make your life successful in real life, it can only think inside the mind because success depends on you.


the same thing applies here, then how do you believe a calculator determines your cost country’s including the country’s inflation in any place, the calculator can only able to solve the mathematics. it can’t determine any accurate cost of living.

cost of living

solution for finding the cost of living

when you want to find the real cost of living for any particular place, then you don’t have to believe in others’ opinions. first of all, take any paper and pen (or) you can also use a notepad if you wish. write everything on paper what are the things you’re currently using now.


identify your habit. thing like how much time you cut your hair per year and what type of foods you eat, if it’s bad I can stop that What does that cost? wrote everything on paper.


calculate your current living price of everything, then compare all the same needs with your cost of living in your chosen place, even your rental house then compare the same price with your chosen place.


nowadays you can easily find any product on Amazon by changing different locations. after calculating all the price costs of your needs. you’ll get the final cost of living amount.

which can be more (or ) sometimes less Finally if you have any doubt about it then feel free to contact us.