Info 1: cheating CEO definition
Info 2: how to identify cheating CEO
Info 3: cheating CEO vs owner oriented CEO
Info 4: example of cheating CEO

Opening information:

Cheating CEO sentence breaks into two words cheating and CEO, Cheating means fake promise or true of anything, CEO means chief executive officer. Cheating a CEO means fake promises and information from the officer.

So now let’s have a look at what is a cheating CEO, how a cheating CEO works in the public market among Corporate Industries, and what is the difference between a cheating CEO and an owner-oriented CEO, finally one clear example of a cheating CEO.

Info 1: cheating CEO definition

Mr. Jackson is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the public business, he has been working as CEO for nearly about 3 years.

But over the 3 years, he has been running a business at a loss and as well as telling their shareholders that he is doing well in the company.
This fake information leads to the loss of heavy investment from their shareholders.

It’s because Jackson’s business reports the financial statement in loss and the holder letter he said that the business had no problem and running in profits. Over all three years, he hides lots of things from his owners of investors.

However here the activities of Mr. Jackson involved in the dishonest behavior make him a cheating CEO because any CEO who doesn’t provide trustworthy and honest information to their shareholders they are named as a cheating CEO.

So let’s dive into how these cheating CEOs are identified in the public Corporations in the public market.

Info 2: how to identify cheating CEO

The cheating CEO doesn’t represent any of the physical objects or things, instead, it’s a concept of principle to identify and check whether certain humans are honest with you or not.

If the Investor who looking to identify whether they are invested in a business that is authorized by the government must understand the CEO honestly.

Suppose a person who doesn’t understand buys the shares of an honest CEO, it’s like appointing a murderer to operation on a very serious patient in bed.

It’s doesn’t whatever the skill you possess and whatever the Materials or equipment such a hospital provides, definitely the Operation going to fail.

It’s the same as giving the company in the hands of dishonest CEOs, who they waiting for hundreds and millions of dollars to rubbery the entire business.

The Investor who always Invests in well-growth stock would always lose most of their money only because of the cheating CEO of the company.

The most very important CEO of one quality is to say the fact of flaws in one company by the Industry.

If the flaws and damage of one Industry wouldn’t be considered
in a shared letter and the only news is written and came from the Industries are only great and good, it’s a great and dangerous sign which are used to cheat Shareholders of the one Industry without telling a truth.

Suppose most of them think about how we can find that the CEO is honestly real or not, by all the news of shareholders’ letters, news in financial media, or their business profiles, business matters in that surrounded by the society are considered as not real news.

Instead apply all the financial statements with all the reports and news, the financial statement of numbers showing great growth or not.

If such a business lacks growth and doesn’t say any lack of anything about business problems the business has a big cheating CEO for the business.

Most people confuse the Cheating CEO and owner-orientedEO, so let’s jump into the key difference anyway.

Info 3: Cheating CEO vs owner oriented CEO

The difference between a cheating CEO and an owner-oriented CEO are, cheating CEO is a person who tells the truth about the problem and business important news.

On the other side, owner-oriented CEOs are the ones which are look at and view the business from the owner’s side and tell the truth and problems of flaws inside the company.

So the difference between cheating CEOs and owner-oriented CEOs is cheating CEOs are the opposite of owner-oriented CEOs. To make you more clear about the cheating CEO let’s see into one clear example below.

Info 4: example of cheating CEO

Company F and Company U are the ones that demonstrate two kinds of CEOs, company F’s CEO always tells the good news over the past two years and the financial statement shows a huge lack of weak growth in the public market.

Company U is the one that illustrated the strong problem and reason for the decline in growth for over three years.

Here the company F CEO is a cheating officer and company U is the one named as honest.